Well I am sitting here to night feeling Miss Lyla kick like crazy and wishing Austin was here to feel it! He is still at work though, but he will be home soon!

Her tiny little leg and foot... that kick me all the time!
Since we have been here at Fort Irwin, Austin's job requires him to be gone pretty often. 2 weeks out of every month he is out "in the box" - they call it the box referring to a sand box- training guys that are getting ready to go to Iraq.
This rotation, he is playing the Iraqi Army. For the first week of the training, he gets to come home every night, then the next week they are gone over night with the exception of a couple of nights during the week.
Since we are not coming home to Georgia for Thanksgiving, Austin and I are headed to Vegas! We can't wait.... going to see Cirque du Soleil and the Blue Man Group! This is out Christmas gift for each other, since we were not able to go on a honeymoon!
Can't wait until you and Austin come home for Christmas! We miss you both!-Mom