Especially when it comes from you sweet baby girl!
Lyla is smiling and laughing a lot more these days and I absolutely love it!
This is one where she was playing with the doggies! She loves to try and grab them.
Trip Home (June 14th - June 26th) :
Our trip to Georgia was really great, we enjoyed seeing the family and friends while we were there and flying ended up not being as bad as I thought it would be!
When we flew out we were able to ask if there was an extra seat available to take the car seat on and we got so lucky because there was! One thing we won't do again is fly at night with a baby, that is the one big mistake because it messed up Lyla's sleep pretty badly. Also: ALWAYS have food ready!
Sleeping on the way to LAX
Then... after having our flight delayed 3 hours...
FINALLY on the plane!!!
Sleeping the next morning at Oma and Opa's house!
Fun time outside with Nana!
and we even went on Papa Conley's boat!
We had a great time with everyone while we were home and we can't wait to go back! Flying back to CA was good as well, no delays and plenty of food!
When we got back from vacation Lyla turned 4 months old on July 6th and has already changed so much, she now LOVES her exersacuser and even whines to be put in it:
Here are some videos of her laughing (her newest thing) and just having fun with mommy and daddy! **They were taken on out iPhones, so not great quality**
And now ROLLING: She learned this while on vacation!
We go Thursday for her 4 month appointment!
I am going to *try* to update more often! It is always the last thing on my long "to-do" list!
Until next time...